Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Poem

Below is my first ever attempt at a poem. I saw some poetry online a little while back that was considered good enough to be published. I was more than a bit underwhelmed with what I read and had that "even I could do better than that" thought we all sometimes have about one thing or another. So, I decided to put up or shut up.

The poem below is not really based on anything or anyone specific. Instead, it just follows the theme of the poems I saw online. I haven't even been able to come up with a name for it yet. Maybe that will come to me later. Feel free to suggest a title.

I have submitted my poem to the online site I was reading and will be interested to see how it fares against the "real poets" found there. You can read it below.

Untitled Poem

No longer do I miss her every hour or even every day
But in my thoughts she does remain.
She comes unexpectedly; in a song on the radio perhaps
Or in the heavy air just before a cold November rain.

She was the love of a young man who is not here anymore
Years have gone by and I have aged.
Yet, in the secret places of my memory
Somehow, she has remained exactly the same.

She is untouched by the hands of time;
The same hands that now have me in their grip.
Her golden tresses still flow; blue eyes remain bright,
And the words of love still flow from her soft lips.

No doubt it is better this way; she will remain forever young.
Never will I see her any other way but as she was when she was mine.
Our life together may have slipped away but a piece of her will always remain
In the recesses of my heart, my soul, and my mind.

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