Saturday, June 21, 2008


Hello to any and all who might have found this page. I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Mike and I live in Texas. I am a secondary teacher and coach. I am married to a beautiful woman and have two of of the funniest and prettiest daughters on this earth.

I won't be discussing my family in any detail here. It is sad but the way the world is these days I just don't feel it is a good idea. Instead, I will be posting my, admittedly random, thoughts on anything and everything that crosses my mind. Pretty much everything will be fair game.

I will tell you now that I have some unusual interests that I will be musing about from time to time. I am a proud member of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy and actively investigate bigfoot reports in the Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma region. While this is a bit unusual, you can rest assured that I'm not one of these nut jobs that run rampant on this topic all over the internet. I will blog about how I became interested in this subject at a later date. In the meantime, I would invite you to visit the TBRC website at where you can learn a bit more about what the organization is all about.

That is about it for now. I don't know if anybody will ever find and/or read this blog or not. Regardless, I look forward to having a creative outlet.

My best...

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