Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Return to Running

I recently re-established contact with an old college friend of mine named Derek Westbrook. Derek was one of those guys who could run all day long. He has kept it up over the years and has a pretty interesting blog (now listed to the right) that details his adventures in distance running.

As most of you know, I, too, got into distance running several years back. I ran many 5K and 10K races. I also completed a half marathon and two full marathons (Austin twice). While training for the second marathon I began to suffer from multiple foot injuries. I managed to complete the race but really had a hard time and was not able to run or train much at all for over a year. Derek has inspired me to get back out there and start running again.

My "come back" got off to a promising start. I ran my first 5K race in over two years about three weeks ago. I ran the Bloomin' Temple 5K here in town and, despite not having run more than three or four times all year, finished second in my age group. The time was slow and the competition was weak but a silver medal is a silver medal. I managed to get through the race without injuring myself. I was sore the next day but felt good otherwise. Life intervened, along with laziness soon afterward, and I have done next to nothing since the race.

I thought if I wrote down my struggles with getting back into shape I might stick with it a little better. That is my hope, anyway. So, I will be updating this blog with my progress, or lack thereof, regularly. I got started tonight with a three mile run. I ran at a sloth-like pace of just under ten minutes per mile. This pace is ok with me for now as I need to re-establish my base and get my legs and feet used to pounding the road again. I need to take things very slow and do all I can to avoid injury. Speed work will have to wait for at least a month or two.

Wish me luck on my quest for better fitness.

My best...

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