Monday, October 13, 2008

Missing In Action

A couple of folks have asked me why I haven't posted much lately. Basically, the answer can be summed up in two words : football season. This is easily the busiest time of the year for me. I practice my kids on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We play our games on Tuesday nights. I scout for the high school on Friday nights or go see my oldest daughter play saxophone in her high school band. On Saturday mornings after I scout, I present my scouting reports to the high school coaches. Sunday mornings I am in church and Sunday afternoons are reserved for yard work and naps (yes, I now take naps).

As you can see, my schedule is pretty full. However, relief is in sight. Football season is over in four weeks. I do coach basketball but that season is far less intense than football season. I should be able to pick up the pace at that point.

So, until football is over I will likely only be able to post the occasional song of the week. Hopefully, you guys won't forget all about me during this time of hiatus.

My best...

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